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At First90, our values drive all we do.

The Example of Jesus as we serve those who are suffering from poverty and injustice, regardless of color, belief, or gender, as part of God's plan to redeem, reconcile, and restore the world. We seek to follow Jesus by living holy, humble, and honest lives individually and corporately.

The Local Church as a primary agent of bringing peace, justice, and love to a broken world. The integrated "word" and "deed" dimensions of God's mandate, as evidenced through the church's integral, or transformational, mission are necessary to bringing reconciliation and restoration to God, others, and the environment.

People whether staff, volunteers, clients, beneficiaries, donors, and partners, as important actors in bringing peace, love, and justice. We recognize and affirm First90 as a multicultural organization and seek to understand and respect the multiplicity of cultures among us. As we seek change in the world, we recognize that we, too, are changed, by those we serve.

Excellence/Continuous Improvement in all our program initiatives and support services, following best practices and standards in a manner that is sustainable to the community from a spiritual, social, and economic perspective. We also seek to apply our human and financial resources in such ways that maximize impact and sustain benefits to the greatest number of people.

Empowerment by prioritizing the leadership and participation of those we serve, whether people, churches, or local institutions, as critical to creating and sustaining change. We seek to catalyze a movement of volunteers to multiply impact, and we value capacity-building as a means towards that end.

Partnership by seeking, facilitating, and promoting collaboration among all stakeholders, including local governments, the  church, mission agencies, other NGO's, and the business community, recognizing partnership as essential to serving the most vulnerable. We believe each expression of the Church has a unique and interdependent role in bringing peace and justice to the world.

Prayer as the priority and foundation to accomplishing our mission.

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